shoes and belt

Inside this edition: Are the questions to ask yourself as you set out to do a closet clean out.

Hey y’all. It’s your girl Rainey with some guidance for YOU – my tribe – the Rainey Crew. If you are anything like me, you do allow your closet to get out of control.  It could be a dress or pants or top that you can’t fit into anymore, and you keep telling yourself if you just lose five or ten pounds I’ll be able to fit into them again.  The reality is that was three kids ago and there is no way you are ever going to fit into those jeans ever again.  Maybe you tell yourself that particular style will come around again, the reality is will you be around or will it be age appropriate for your age when it does. 

We hold on to things for multiple reasons, sentimentality, the way it makes us feel when we see or wear it, and functionality, just to name a few.  When we clean out our closets we should be firmly focused on reality.  The reality of what we need, how much room we have to work with.  We can be sentimental, but we must be realistic.  Here are the four questions to help you identify the clutter in your closet. 

Do You Love It?

Determining whether or not you can part with items in your closet is extremely difficult, and for that reason you need to enter the process with a clear mind.  The first question to ask yourself about any item is whether you love it?  Remember, if you toss an item you really love you will regret it.  This is a time to be honest with yourself because clothing has power.  It can make you feel sexy, powerful, or relaxed.  If that item emotes any of those feelings think twice before tossing it.   

When Was the Last Time You Used It? 

You have now decided that you love it.  What next?  Time to be honest again.  When was the last time you used this article of clothing, and how often do you use it.  Keep in mind where you pulled the item from.  Was it tucked away far back in drawer where it is not easily seen, or was it always easily accessible?  These questions are important because if an item is loved it should be where it can be seen and used.  If it is tucked away and hidden maybe it really was not all that important to you. 

Another thing to keep in mind is can it fit.  If it cannot fit, you should get rid of it.  Unless you plan to start cross-fit before cleaning your closet, be honest and let it go.  My rule of thumb is if you have not used it in a year it is safe to let it go.  Some people say six months, but I live in a place with four seasons so I say a year is fair. 

Are There Multiples? 

I have been guilty of doing this.  Buying multiples of an item, whether it be in color or size.  I don’t do it anymore, but I believe that for some people it may be a necessity.  The question for you is, do you still need two of them?  Can you still justify the need for having multiples of an item especially if they are identical.  Please note this item does not necessarily apply to underwear unless…it no longer fits. 

Get Started Now

Going through a out of control closet can prove to be difficult, but it is manageable. I can pretty much guarantee if you hit the three questions above while de-cluttering you will find yourself letting go of those items you thought were precious so long ago. You will free your mind and clean your closet of clutter.