Hey y’all! My name is “Rainey” Hunte and I was officially diagnosed with ADD in my later adult life which resulted in me being a lifelong procrastinator. Whoo! That’s a mouthful huh!

For a long time I did not know these were the names for the things I was doing or how I behaved. I just thought it was just me being me. What I did was manage the behaviors by owning “To Do” lists to help me manage the procrastination and ADD. As I thought back I realize now how hard my childhood and early adult years were trying to cope.

As a result I am owning my faults and sharing the successes of what had the ability to cripple my future.

Being organized is difficult even for those of us without these conditions. If you want to get on track with your home and family stick around, subscribe and read about the things that are important to you, and learn from my mistakes. Don’t we all wish we had an informal manual for life.

Use the tools I used to course correct, and manage a home with two teenagers and a supportive husband. I’ll share with you where and how I find joy in keeping my “Life Organized”.

Organization is not just about keeping things neat or pretty ways to store objects in your home. It is very much a state of mind that affects you, your home, and your bottom line.