black sign with white writing says we are in the garden

Inside this edition: Are four different ways to create a garden in the smallest spaces.

Hey y’all. It’s me your girl trying to share some garden tips with YOU – my tribe – the Rainey Crew. Sometimes we live in conditions that we do not believe are conducive for gardening.  However, I believe that if you really want to create a garden it can be accomplished in various ways.  Whether you have a small patio or balcony you can use these options to create an outdoor garden in the smallest spaces.

Container Gardens

The best way to create impact with seasonal flowers is to contain them in pots.  You can create mass colors with the plants and group or stack pots together for an even more impressive look. Fruits and vegetables can be also be grown in pots. Don’t feel limited to planting only flowers.

Anything if suitable for the outdoors can be used as a container for planting:

  • Old wooden boxes
  • Metal containers.  Tin cans are a great for new plantings.
  • Old cooking pots.  I have an old wok in which I planted chives.
  • Glazed pots are great for water gardens.
garden spaces

Water Gardens

Water gardens are great for any size garden and is great for the not so green thumb.  You won’t need to add water as frequently as plants in soil.  Your water garden can consist of a few glazed pots, one large pot, or a waterproof wooden barrel.

If you live in an apartment you can also have a miniature pond.  Choose the largest container possible if you choose to do so.  Preferably a water lily would be the best choice along with another taller plant to give the garden design height.  Top it off with a couple of small goldfish or pond comets to make sure you do not breed mosquitoes. The goldfish maintenance may be an issue for some so just drop in a mosquito dunk to prevent breeding.

Pro Tip:  Lilies require direct sun if they are expected to bloom, so consider placement before choosing this option.

As long as there is space you have room for plantings.  Think about those rarely used spaces that don’t get a lot of foot traffic.

  • Corners
  • Entryways
Indoor container garden

Window boxes

Window boxes are a great way to create curb appeal, and can be enjoyed from the inside as well as the outside.  At the kitchen widow you may want to consider herbs instead of blooms. On decks you can go for blooms or you can plant the citronella plant to naturally repel mosquitoes during the summer.

Hanging Baskets

Hanging baskets can be a beautiful addition on a front porch or can add depth and height to a garden if you choose to use sturdy steel shepherd hooks.  They do not always have to be overflowing with flowers.  You can do herbs, ferns, or fruit like strawberries.  Speaking of ferns, perennials can be just as enjoyable as annuals.  They may not bloom in as many colors, but  I enjoy them more because I don’t have to go to the store each year to replenish my pots. 

Final Thoughts

Gardening is not for everyone and you know who you are, but it seems so harsh to not have the enjoyment of plants for lack of a green thumb.  If you are lacking space try one of the options I mentioned.  Your containers do not have to be new and coordinated.  Old and different can give you a rustic feel and make them stand out more.  Don’t be limited by your living environment, you can create a garden in the smallest spaces.